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Chris Ossman
1 min read
Eye opener for May 26, 2023
It's not the ambition exhibited by those who seek power and wealth that we should fear, it's the greed and inability of restraint that we...

Chris Ossman
1 min read
Eye opener for May 25, 2023
Hey remember when HW Bush went to war with Iraq based on the testimony of the Afghany ambassador's daughter that turned out to be a lie?...

Chris Ossman
1 min read
Eye opener for May 24, 2023
I would love to sit down with a past President and have them explain the rationale behind any one of their policies they believe...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Daily eye opener
To solve our biggest issues, we need a way to recognize them. Click the link for THE book that teaches the reader ways to extract the...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Today's resource shortages were created by man, so they can be fixed by man
There is no shortage of resources, at least not a naturally occurring one. The issues with the supply chain that were caused by the virus...

Chris Ossman
2 min read
It's not complicated. It's complicity
We've (the American People) have had our heads in the sand for decades now, while our leaders not only allowed inequality to increase,...
Chris Ossman
4 min read
Capitalism leads to Feudalism which leads to slavery
Capitalism mandates winners and losers. Those who have succeeded under Capitalism love it, while a majority lose ground as it becomes...

Chris Ossman
4 min read
Arguments American leaders have used that don't add up - JOB CREATORS
If the job of a Job Creator is to create jobs, why then do they get paid when they don't? Even in those times when unemployment is high...

Chris Ossman
4 min read
Arguments American leaders have used that don't add up
For years now, American political leaders have pushed narratives that fail to stand up to the slightest bit scrutiny. In the following...

Chris Ossman
4 min read
Climate change isn't our only environmental problem Vol. 1: Food: Part 2: What happened to boycotts?
While we do need to eat, do we need to eat everything? Do you really need to eat a Big Mac? Maybe it's not such a good idea to allow a...

Chris Ossman
5 min read
Climate change isn't our only environmental problem Volume 1: Food as a commodity: Part 1
While climate change is arguably an existential threat to Humanity, it's timeline is usually refernced in decades if not centuries....

Chris Ossman
2 min read
Logic versus Reality - If you raise the minimum wage, prices will go up
This is an argument used for decades to justify NOT raising the Federal minimum wage. The problem with this argument is that in the...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts: Oil companies deserve free oil
The argument goes that "If oil companies don't extract it it, no one would extract oil." For that to be true, we would all have to...

Chris Ossman
8 min read
Lies presented as facts - America is still a Super Power - Part 2
In part 1, I provided context for America's rise towards superpower status. In a nutshell, it came down to war. All across the planet...

Chris Ossman
4 min read
Lies presented as facts - America is still a Super Power - Part 1
Though the evidence presented herein be anecdotal, that is the point. I personally No LONGER consider the United States of America a...

Chris Ossman
5 min read
Lies presented as facts - America abolished slavery
This is a half-truth that is turning into an outright lie as Capitalism moves towards neo-feudalism which is one step away from...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - The rich are charitable. No need for Government "handouts"
Just looking at the ever-increasing numbers of Americans who are becoming homeless should be an indictment of this lie. This is yet...
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Chris Ossman
5 min read
Lies presented as facts - The members of Congress are working for us
If Congress actually worked for us, would we go from one war to the next as our homeless population grows? Would we put the welfare of...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - Money equals happiness
While it may make you secure, money does not make you happy. . As proof I offer this simple observation. If money made one happy,...

Chris Ossman
4 min read
Lies presented as facts - The rich deserve their wealth
Americans believe the rich are smarter, harder working, more ambitious and more worthy... Why? That narrative has been ubiquitous for...
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