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Chris Ossman
2 min read
Lies presented as facts - American intervention is the good kind of intervention
There is no way US leadership can think American intervention is still a good. Now, it's time all Americans realize this as well. America...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - America has good leaders
By now, America's leadership has proven it's worth, or lack thereof, but let's take a look back and let history speaks for itself. When...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - Covid vaccines
You can believe Fauci if you want. The problem is which Fauci to believe. Fauci flip-flopped on every important aspect of COVID-19...

Chris Ossman
2 min read
Lies presented as facts - Oil companies need continued subsidies
Why are oil companies allowed to extract a natural resource like oil for free or nearly free? Yeah, when drilling on public land, they...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - Modern day slavery
Many believe slavery ended in 1863 with the emancipation proclamation which led to the ratification of the 13th amendment of the United...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - Nuclear war's not that bad
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). has been considered one of the primary truths of nuclear war. Nowadays, however, world leaders (or,...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - America's healthy workforce
Consider the latest claims about America's economy... The workforce is strong. Unemployment is at it's lowest since its previous lowest...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - Defund the rich
I don't care about defunding the police. Taking away funds from police departments across the country only means better accounting tricks...

Chris Ossman
4 min read
Lies presented as facts - American DeMOCKrazy
Democrats blame their losses on everything but what actually caused those kosses... Doing nothing for those who have voted for them over...
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Chris Ossman
2 min read
Lies presented as facts
The myth that all "Job Creators" need upfront tax breaks The claim that those considered job creators need tax breaks may not be as...

Chris Ossman
3 min read
Lies presented as facts - Minimum wage
Is there even a question as to how America's economy became so skewed or lopsided in favor of the wealthy? All one need do is consider...

Chris Ossman
5 min read
Who wore it best?
Who represented the highest office in the land better? Disclaimer: I am no fan of Donald Trump. Nor am I a Joe Biden supporter. Truth be...

Chris Ossman
4 min read
No News is Good News
Why do few (if any) news stations or programs offer answers to any of the terrible things on which they report? There's a solution to...

Chris Ossman
10 min read
This Book Explains Why The Next Few Generations Will Be The Angriest Generations
Truth for this GENERATION and the next! It’s odd that, given the consistently negative trend of almost, if not all, metrics pertaining to...
Chris Ossman
3 min read
Why their words don't match reality
Are you starting to wonder why voting democrat or republican never seems to help you, your family, or your friends? Is inflation becoming...

Chris Ossman
1 min read
An Action-Packed Adventure For Kids
"Far Beyond: The Jerod Saga" Book one in the "Far Beyond" series follows the exploits of the most unlikely heroes in history. Let Far...
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Chris Ossman
4 min read
Why do billionaires seem to be such sociopaths?
Originally publish on July 23, 2021 by Fabian Augustus There may be a much more complicated answer as studies like the following suggests...
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Chris Ossman
7 min read
America always served as an example to the World... Now, it's an example of a return to Feudalism
Originally publish on July 16, 2021 by Fabian Augustus Have you seen the little rental scooters offered in so many urban settings these...

Chris Ossman
10 min read
Why there is so much push back about Bitcoin? Answer provided in book "Solutions: Enough..."
Originally publish on July 09, 2021 by Fabian Augustus So, “they” whoever is this weeks, months, years mouthpiece for the rich will tell...

Chris Ossman
6 min read
A dream to help secure the future of the next generation.
Originally publish on Dec. 15, 2020 by Fabian Augustus As the chasm between the 1% and everyone else widens, the necessity of Bitcoin and...
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