Link related to post:
Insurance company interrupts surgery:
Links from previous posts:
How one couple ended up owning most of the water in California:
How a billionaire relocated an eight state aquifer:
Lottery jackpot increases over time:
Wealthy own most stocks:
Nancy Pelosi admits to insider trading:
Hunter married his brother's widow:
Hunter turns his brother's widow into a junkie:
The multitude of reasons why Joe Biden should never have been president:
Media praised Osama Bin Laden and the United States helped him develop Al Queada:
Vaccines administered to children today
How Hepatitis B is contracted;
The Amish don't get as many vaccines as the rest of us and their children don't become autistic like the rest of us:
No one will take heartbreaking ordeals after Covid vaccine seriously:
Court backs Texas over razor wire installed on US-Mexico border
The rich are buying out trailer parks
Biden exhibiting mental decline:
Could Kamala have made more mistakes as Vice President?:
Kamala Harris being Kamala Harris:
Cackling Kamala:
Doctors petition to end COVID-19 MNRA vaccines due to alarm rise in excess deaths world-wide
Excess Deaths Published
High excess death rates in the West for 3 years running since start of pandemic
White clots discovered during autopsies that have ony been seen since the COVID-19 vaccine
Jerome Powell Won't Resign
Victory Gardens
Netanyahu blocked all hostage negotiations
Israel Attacked U.S. Naval Ship U.S.S. Liberty (note that this is a dot gov website):
Israel Attacked U.S. Naval Ship U.S.S. Liberty (YouTube Video)
Rare Earth Elements: The Futile Fight Against China
How Xiaomi's 3nm Chip Could Reshape the Global Semiconductor Landscape?
End the Job Creator Lie:
The U.S. created Al-Qaeda:
Posse Comitatus:
Department of Defense reissues the Posse Comitatus Act:
Link 1: The Center for Public Integrity:
Link 2: Ending Special Tax Treatment for the Very:
Link 3: Citizens United Five Years Later:
Link 4: Ending Special Tax Treatment for the Very:
Link 5: How four decades of tax cuts fueled inequality:
Link 6: The Middle-Class Squeeze:
Link 7: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:
Link 8: Research from Brookings Institution:
Link 9: End the Job Creator Lie Petition:
Link 10: NPR:
Link 11: Economic Policy Institute:
tracks how the deregulatory trends continue to benefit Wall Street over Main Street.
Link 12: Center for American Progress:
Link 13:
Link 14: Brookings Institution:
Way Back Machine:
Center for American Progress:
Public Citizen:
This outlines how CFMA helped create the conditions for the 2008 crisis, amplifying wealth inequality
Madeline Albright discusses death of half a million Iraqi children:
Each Walmart Store Costs The Taxpayers one million dollars:
Walmart Takes Out Life Insurance Against Its Sickest Employees:
Average Age of Ukrainian Soldier:
Lindsey Graham Saying Ukraine Will Fight To The Last Ukrainian:
Hannibal Directive:
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):
Expensive Televisions:
Dock workers show how much power workers have in America's economy:
Eisenhower's warning against the military industrial complex:
War is a Racket by Smedley Butler:
United Nations General Assembly Walks during Netanyahu's speech:
Neo-Nazis of Ukraine:
Ukraine bombing its own in the Donbas since 2014;
Linsey Graham saying the U.S. will fight to the last Ukrainian:
American homelessness growing everywhere:
How America deals with homelessness:
Capitalism has even made trailer parks unaffordable:
1% down home loans:
0% down home loans:
Tobacco companies used the same tactics they used to keep addicted to cigarettes to keep people addicted to bad foods:
CEO yelling at employees to stop asking for bonuses while her bonus was millions of dollars:
Who controls America's food supply?:
Sharecrop Farming:
No free vaccines:
Bill Gates doesn't want to share the vaccine with poor countries:
Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.