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Repost of Eye Opener For February 07 2025: There's A Reason Why There Are More And More Conspiracies And Fewer And Fewer Conspiracy Theories...

Writer's picture: Chris OssmanChris Ossman


Link related to post:

The only good billionaire:

Links from previous posts:

The Carrington Event 1859

Oil companies don't need subsidies

Debt Clock

Madeline Albright justifying killing 500,000 Iraqi children

Fifteen year old girl lies America into war

George W. Bush made jokes about not finding W.M.Ds

Dixie Chicks cancelled for protesting war in Iraq

The Viet Nam war was based on lies

Socialism versus Capitalism Debate:

Is there a beter economic system that Capitalism?

Insurance company interrupts surgery:

How one couple ended up owning most of the water in California:

How a billionaire relocated an eight state aquifer:

Lottery jackpot increases over time:

Wealthy own most stocks:

Nancy Pelosi admits to insider trading:

Hunter married his brother's widow:

Hunter turns his brother's widow into a junkie:

The multitude of reasons why Joe Biden should never have been president:

Media praised Osama Bin Laden and the United States helped him develop Al Queada:

Vaccines administered to children today

How Hepatitis B is contracted;

The Amish don't get as many vaccines as the rest of us and their children don't become autistic like the rest of us:

No one will take heartbreaking ordeals after Covid vaccine seriously:

Court backs Texas over razor wire installed on US-Mexico border

The rich are buying out trailer parks

Biden exhibiting mental decline:

Could Kamala have made more mistakes as Vice President?:

Kamala Harris being Kamala Harris:

Cackling Kamala:

Doctors petition to end COVID-19 MNRA vaccines due to alarm rise in excess deaths world-wide

Excess Deaths Published

High excess death rates in the West for 3 years running since start of pandemic

White clots discovered during autopsies that have ony been seen since the COVID-19 vaccine

Jerome Powell Won't Resign

Victory Gardens

Netanyahu blocked all hostage negotiations

Israel Attacked U.S. Naval Ship U.S.S. Liberty (note that this is a dot gov website):


Israel Attacked U.S. Naval Ship U.S.S. Liberty (YouTube Video)

Rare Earth Elements: The Futile Fight Against China

How Xiaomi's 3nm Chip Could Reshape the Global Semiconductor Landscape?

End the Job Creator Lie:

The U.S. created Al-Qaeda:

Posse Comitatus:

Department of Defense reissues the Posse Comitatus Act:

Link 1: The Center for Public Integrity:

Link 2: Ending Special Tax Treatment for the Very:

Link 3: Citizens United Five Years Later:

Link 4: Ending Special Tax Treatment for the Very:

Link 5: How four decades of tax cuts fueled inequality:

Link 6: The Middle-Class Squeeze:

Link 7: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities:

Link 8: Research from Brookings Institution:

Link 9: End the Job Creator Lie Petition:

Link 10: NPR:

Link 11: Economic Policy Institute:

tracks how the deregulatory trends continue to benefit Wall Street over Main Street.

Link 12: Center for American Progress:

Link 13:

Link 14: Brookings Institution:

Way Back Machine:

Center for American Progress:

Public Citizen:

This outlines how CFMA helped create the conditions for the 2008 crisis, amplifying wealth inequality

Madeline Albright discusses death of half a million Iraqi children:

Each Walmart Store Costs The Taxpayers one million dollars:

Walmart Takes Out Life Insurance Against Its Sickest Employees:

Average Age of Ukrainian Soldier:

Lindsey Graham Saying Ukraine Will Fight To The Last Ukrainian:

Hannibal Directive:

Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC):

Expensive Televisions:

Dock workers show how much power workers have in America's economy:

Eisenhower's warning against the military industrial complex:

War is a Racket by Smedley Butler:

United Nations General Assembly Walks during Netanyahu's speech:

Neo-Nazis of Ukraine:

Ukraine bombing its own in the Donbas since 2014;

Linsey Graham saying the U.S. will fight to the last Ukrainian:

American homelessness growing everywhere:

How America deals with homelessness:

Capitalism has even made trailer parks unaffordable:

1% down home loans:

0% down home loans:

Tobacco companies used the same tactics they used to keep addicted to cigarettes to keep people addicted to bad foods:

CEO yelling at employees to stop asking for bonuses while her bonus was millions of dollars:

Who controls America's food supply?:

Sharecrop Farming:

No free vaccines:

Bill Gates doesn't want to share the vaccine with poor countries:


Solutions: Enough complaining. Let's fix America.


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